
Our materials

At the heart of our creative process is a meticulous selection of timeless, natural fabrics of exceptional quality. Each carefully chosen fiber contributes to the design of unique pieces that combine timeless elegance, respect for the environment and incomparable durability.


The linen that we use for our creations embodies an exceptional standard of quality. Renowned for its finesse and resistance, each yarn is meticulously selected for its luxurious texture and incomparable softness. The result is pieces that combine elegance and durability, bringing a touch of timeless sophistication to every outfit.

Linen and Cotton Gauze

The linen and cotton gauze that we use for our creations are equally remarkable. Linen gauze offers incomparable lightness and breathability, ideal for summer pieces that combine comfort and casual elegance. As for cotton gauze, it combines softness and fluidity, offering a subtle drape and a feeling of freshness. These premium quality fabrics add a dimension of refinement to our collections, ensuring comfort and style on every occasion.

Waffle cotton

Waffle cotton, also known as honeycomb, is a marvel of texture and versatility. Its relief pattern reminiscent of the cells of a beehive gives a subtle elegance to each piece. Soft to the touch and absorbent, it is perfect for bath and home items, providing both comfort and aesthetics. Its airy character and ability to drape delicately also make it an ideal choice for summer wear, adding a touch of casual sophistication to any wardrobe.
